The Power of the Voice
Dear Mini-N,
Last night mommy decided to 'really' sing to you. As in REALLY sing. . Since you were born, I never thought of really singing to you. I always did some silly songs like, "I love youuuu, You love meeeeeeee, We are happy famileeee" or "Round and Round the Roudabout, Roundabout, Roundabout"...
Last night mommy had a bright idea so I put you on my bed and lied down next to you. Then i sang... I sang, "A dream is a wish your heart makes", the whole song a' la Cinderella style with a bit of falsetto and full set of expressions with slowly fading off effects...etc.. You gave me a very intensed expression while I sang like you were totally captured by my song. When i finished singing, you continued to stare for a second, then you bawled!! You cried so loud that the neighbours must have thought i kicked you or something.
I quickly shove a toy in your face and said, "Oh look at this, Mini-N, a squeeky toy! No more singing ok? No more singing. Only got squeeky toy!... " I desperately squeezed the toy to make squeeky sounds to distract you and when you wouldn't stop crying, I had to pick you up and walk around to comfort you.
Geee, this is the first time someone cried because of my singing and I thought I was good. No choice, I guess we're back to age old songs like, "Round and Round the Roundabout....."... Sigh...